Concepts in Biology 01:119:100 Spring 2016
Instructor: Dr. Gregg Transue
Phone: 848-445-2594
(emails to other addresses will be ignored)
Office: 214 ARC Building Busch Campus
Office Hours:
Wednesday: 11-12 and/or by appointment 214 ARC
Weekly Lecture Review Session:
Thursday: 2:30-3:30 124 Loree, the RLC
(will not be held on exam days)
Lecture Room:
All Sections (R1, R2,R5,R6)
TTh5 (3:55 - 5:15 PM) Hickman 101 - Douglass Campus
Laboratory Room:
All Sections (R1, R2, R3, R4,R5,R6)
ARC 247 on the Busch Campus
Lab Review Sessions: in ARC 247, the lab room:
Melissa Murphy: 4:40-5:40 pm Monday
William Reichert: 2-3 pm Tuesday, please email him
at before attending.
Study Group Signup Page
Course Information:
- Syllabus
- Course Information and Policies
- Online Gradebook
- Preparatory Assignments
- Miscellany
- Study Group Gradebook