Textbook Clicker Lab Manual Textbook Ancillaries Flash Drive
Lab Materials Notebooks Tape Recorders
Textbook: We will use Biology Concepts & Connections 8th ed. by Campbell et al.. You may use a new or used version of the 7th edition. You can purchase your textbook and materials wherever you like. You can purchase a loose-leaf or soft-cover version of the text as long as it is the 8th edition. This is the ISBN for the hardcover version: 0321885325. Use of an older edition is at the student's risk. I will not account for differences between the editions.
Personal Response System ("clicker"): We use a personal response "clicker" system in both lecture and laboratory. You must purchase a clicker for your personal use throughout the semester. You can not "share" one with a Bio 100 classmate. You need to have purchased and registered your clicker by 8 pm Wednesday September 10th. Use the PRS Registration link on the course homepage. Be sure to purchase one before then. Their use for graded activities will begin in lecture Thursday September 11th. Starting Thursday September 11th, take your clicker to every lecture and laboratory meeting.
We will use, the TurningPoint ResponseCard RF clicker, which looks somewhat like a credit card. Your TurningPoint ResponseCard clicker must be a radio frequency (RF) clicker, not an older infrared (IF) unit. There are more elaborate versions of the ResponseCard clicker available, the ResponseCard RF LCD and the ResponseCard XR. The RF LCD and XR models are compatible with our system and can be used instead of the basic RF model. If you already have an RF LCD or XR model, you can use that for Bio 100. While we have not experienced problems in Bio 100 with the basic RF model, the RF LCD model has a small LCD screen that allows the user to better verify their answer. If you feel that you would like this added security, feel free to purchase it. Bookstores will likely will buy-back your RF clicker at the end of the semester if you have no further use for it; you will need to check with a bookstore about their buyback policy if you purchase a RF LCD or XR clicker instead. Use this link to view a TurningPoint ResponseCard RF.
The ResponseCard RF clicker is the same clicker as the one used in Psychology 101 with Dr. Brill, but not the same as those used in other courses, the iClicker for example. Be sure to have the TurningPoint ResponseCard RF clicker for Bio 100 even if you have an RF clicker from another vendor for another course. You may use the same ResponseCard RF clicker in another course which uses it. Be advised that ResponseCard RF clickers with the dark gray outer border as shown in this picture are an old model fraught with problems. Avoid purchasing a clicker with this dark colored border. The newer model has a lighter gray border and is the one to purchase. You are responsible for having a working and reliable clicker so do your best to get the newer clicker model.
Lab Manual: the course lab manual is written by Dr. Transue and will be provided to you in class; its cost is part of your course lab fee. You will also be provided with a binder to hold your manual, so you need not purchase a binder for this purpose. Do not purchase any laboratory manual at a bookstore. As per Department policy, if you withdraw from the course after the initial drop periods ends, your lab fee is not refunded.
Textbook Ancillaries: no ancillary materials are requested by Dr. Transue, study guides in particular. They are not required and students are discouraged from purchasing them if a bookstore makes them available. They will not be used in any way.
Flash Drive: there are a variety of computer activities in Bio 100. Students are expected to have a flash drive/memory stick onto which they can save their work.
Lab materials and supplies: Aside from a flash drive/memory stick for saving computer work, no special materials are needed. All necessary materials and equipment will be provided.
Notebooks: while not a requirement, students are encouraged to have a larger notebook for taking lecture notes and a separate smaller notebook for laboratory work and exercises. You will need to take notes and make drawings during lab. Not all of these will fit into your lab manual so a separate lab notebook is strongly suggested. You do not need a "chemistry" type notebook, just a regular spiral-bound notebook as you might use in lecture. Experience suggests that spiral-bound notebooks are less problematic than loose-leaf.
Tape-recorders: while their use is permitted, it is not recommended. For those seriously considering using a recorder to tape lectures, please speak with Dr. Transue before investing in a recorder.
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