This is a WEB version of a questionnaire previously done in class.  You should only spend half an hour in completing the questionnaire. Its purpose is to give us a little information on your background and knowledge so that we can better help you this semester and ensure that the course meets the needs of the students. You will get a full-credit homework grade for completing the questionnaire.

The questionnaire's last section asks you some questions about science. Please just answer them from memory; do not turn to Google, books, or others for assistance. Whether you get the question correct or not has no bearing on the course. Any questionnaire with textbook answers will be discarded, wasting both our time and yours. Simply answer the questions to the best of your ability. If you do not know an answer, just leave it blank.  

As you reach 30 minutes,  skip to the last section, just before the Submit button and answer the 4 questions in the section entitled "Your thoughts."  These 4 questions must be completed for the questionnaire to be recorded.  Also,  please note that the first three fields, (semester, names ) must be completed for the questionnaire to be recorded. Please be sure to fill out those fields as well!

Semester: arrow
Last Name: arrow
First Name:

Lab Section:

R1 - M 1:40-4:40
R2 - T 8:40-11:40
R3 - W 8:40-11:40
R4 - W 5:00-8:00
R5 - M 6:40-9:30
R6 - T 6:40-9:30

Local Phone #:

Email address:

Do you participate in any Special Programs?   no yes

If yes, please indicate which program(s):

Other ----If other, please specify :

Who is your advisor?

Did you participate in a Summer Program?

Yes - SAS
Yes - SEBS
Yes - Pharmacy
Yes - Other ----If other, please specify :

Regarding this semester, please indicate the courses you are taking:


EAD 101 English as an Academic Discourse I (356:101)
EAD 102 English as an Academic Discourse II (356:102)
ENG 098 Composition Skills (355:098)
ENG 099 Reading for English 100 (355:099)
ENG 100 Basic Composition (355:100)
ENG 101 Expository Writing I (355:101)
ENG 201 Research in the Disciplines (355:201)
No English class


Math 025 Elementary Algebra (640:025)
Math 026 Intermediate Algebra (640:026)
Math 111 Precalculus Part 1 (640:111)
Math 112 Precalculus Part 2 (640:112)
Math 115 Precalculus College Math (640:115)
Calculus....Math 135 or higher (640:135 or greater)
No Math class


Chem 127 Impact of Chemistry (160:127)
Chem 133/134 Introduction to Chemistry (160:133,134)
Chem 161 General Chemistry (160:161)
Chem 161 General Chemistry "Solid Gems" (160:161)
Chem 162 General Chemistry (160:162)
Chem 162 General Chemistry "Solid Gems" (160:162)
No Chemistry class

Your Total Credits:

Are you working this semester? no yes

Estimated number of hours if working:

Do you commute to campus? no yes

Are you on a RU sports team? no yes

If yes, which sport?

In High School (10th, 11th, 12th grades):

How many biology courses did you have (include anatomy & physiology)?

How many where "advanced, advanced placement, or Honors"?

How many chemistry courses did you have?

How many where "advanced, advanced placement, or Honors"?

How many physics courses did you have?

How many where "advanced, advanced placement, or Honors"?

List any other "science" courses you had?

Summarize what you learned in your last biology course:

Summarize what you learned in your last chemistry course:

Regarding your selection of courses and an academic plan:

Do you intend to continue with a science curriculum? no yes

Estimate the amount of time you spent with RU personnel to determine this semester's schedule:


Estimate the amount of time you spent with RU personnel discussing your general academic future:


Estimate the amount of time you have spent with some type of biological scientist (doctor, professor, other medical professional, researcher, etc) discussing your general academic future:


Are you interested in a medical profession? no yes

If yes, in which area?

If no, what is your area of interest in biology?

Do you have a relative who is a medical professional? no yes

Summarize what you expect to learn about in the first General Biology course (Bio 101):

Did you (select one):

choose Bio 100 on your own.

get placed into Bio 100.

take Bio 100 on the advice of a Dean or counselor.

take Bio 100 on the advice of another student.

What is your perception for why students are placed into Bio 100?

What is your main thought about being in Bio 100 before starting the General Biology sequence?

haven't thought about it.
Other .......If other, please specify:

In regards to studying and test preparation:

How many minutes long were your biology courses in high school?

How many times a week do you study with others?


Estimate the number of hours per week you needed to study in high school to earn an A in biology:


Do you normally copy your lecture notes over? no yes

Do you normally outline your notes? no yes

How much guidance did your high school teachers give you about note taking:


How much guidance did your high school teachers give you about preparing for examinations:

Have you ever made a concept map? no yes

What is a flow chart?

How often do you make flow charts when you study?

Describe what you do when you "study":

General Knowledge- please answer the following questions:

What is AIDS?

How does the AIDS agent effect the body?

Why has it been so difficult to produce a vaccine or a cure for AIDS

Define/explain evolution:

Define/explain science:

Into which Phylum are humans classified?

According to modern science, from which of the following did humans evolve:

Summarize the function of the Kreb's Cycle:

What is an allele?

Sodium's atomic number is 11. Neon's atomic number is 10.

What is the structural difference between them?

Would you expect them to act similarly chemically?


Fluorine (atomic number 9) would act like:

Define atomic number:

Your Thoughts

Please rank the following courses from the most difficult (1) to easiest (3). There can be ties:  arrow




 You have $1,000. Which of the following games would you try? Pay-offs are all the same.  arrow

A game where you have a 90% chance of losing your money.

A game where you have a 70% chance of losing your money.

A game where you have a 30% chance of losing your money.

A game where you first see how the game is played; and then given this knowledge, you have a 20% chance of losing your money.


If you were advising someone else as to how to best use their money, which of the following games would you recommend? Again, pay-offs are all the same.  arrow

A game where you have a 90% chance of losing your money.

A game where you have a 70% chance of losing your money.

A game where you have a 30% chance of losing your money.

A game where you first see how the game is played; and then given this knowledge, you have a 20% chance of losing your money.


How would you feel if you thought that there was only one game and an advisor let you play game B when he knew that games C and D were available?  arrow

If you are finished, click the Submit button to submit your questionnaire. If you did not fill in the first four fields, you will be asked to do so after clicking the Submit button. Your questionnaire will not be recorded unless the first for fields are completed.

Reset will clear all your entries. If you care to change any of your entries, simply scroll back to the question and type in or select your new answer.